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intelligent network service中文是什么意思

用"intelligent network service"造句"intelligent network service"怎么读"intelligent network service" in a sentence


  • 智能业务


  • It is used worldwide to test telecom and datacom equipment ranging from built - in communication chips to huge switches and intelligent network services
  • This paper discusses the technique of corba based intelligent network service creation , proposes the architecture of the distributed corba based in , and presents the system design of corba based in services using gsl ( global service logic ) table , sib ( service independent building ) table , and edp ( event detection point ) table
    本文研究了基于corba的智能网业务生成技术,提出了基于corba的分布式智能网体系结构。同时本文给出了corba平台上智能网业务的系统设计,即提出利用gsl (全局业务逻辑)表、 sib (业务独立构件)表和edp (事件检测点)表等来实现业务逻辑。
用"intelligent network service"造句  


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